The focus of this study is on autistic traits, camouflaging, and social anxiety. Camouflaging is a tendency to put on a mask in social interactions, trying to hide aspects of ourselves that we do not see as socially desirable. This study will investigate the relationships between autistic traits, camouflaging and social anxiety. All of these vary naturally within the general population, and we are interested in exploring the relationship between them. We are also interested in understanding the various motivations behind camouflaging and its consequences. You will first be asked to fill in an online consent form, after which you will provide some basic demographic information. Then you will take part in an online survey containing three questionnaires. These will explore autistic traits, camouflaging and social anxiety. Finally, you will be asked to answer a few open-ended questions investigating the motivations and consequences of camouflaging. The online study will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. In case you feel any sort of discomfort, you can withdraw from the study whenever you wish to. You may also omit any questions you do not wish to answer. Finally, further information on the study, as well as resources on mental health support will be provided in the debrief.
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Ready to make a difference? Complete your application by March 14th to join the movement!