Those who wrote the Declaration of Independence lived in a world of citizen science. Everyday people shared local observations to help scientists answer questions. Thomas Jefferson and Lewis and Clark recorded biodiversity and changes in the seasons. Benjamin Franklin kept notes about daily weather patterns. By sharing these with ship captains, he helped keep them and their crews safe. Without the internet, Citizen Scientists had to use other ways to share information. They used newspapers, magazines, and letters. Across the country, farming men and women faced different environments. By publishing their experiences and tips, they helped each other flourish. People watched the stars. And they recorded the rocks, plants, and creatures they encountered in their travels.Today, millions of citizen scientists like you share observations and analyze data. By working with scientists around the world, we turn our curiosity into impact. Join America250 and SciStarter to continue this legacy of scientific research.Engage in one of the featured projects, below. You can find thousands more citizen science projects using the SciStarter Project Finder. [not-logged-in][login-link]Click on a project below to find step-by-step instructions.