Aurorasaurus is the first citizen science project that aggregates relatively rare sightings of the Northern and Southern Lights in order to improve real-time tracking and understanding of the beautiful phenomenon. The Aurorasaurus project allows the public to enter their observations of aurora through their website in order to better characterize their frequency, location, and rare visual characteristics. We also collect related tweets, map them, and ask users to help verify these as real-time sightings. During periods of high aurora activity, Aurorasaurus sees a significant uptick in public reporting of the phenomenon, allowing the project to ground truth the data being collected by other instruments, and alert registered users in real-time. Informal educational resources are offered as well.
Become a SciStarter Ambassador!
Applications to join the final cohort in this inaugural class of SciStarter Ambassadors due May 2nd
Libraries and community organizations need your help to spark excitement for citizen science and keep the momentum going!
The SciStarter Ambassador Program offers FREE training to volunteers ready to make an impact in their communities.
Ready to make a difference? Complete your application by May 2nd to join the movement!