I have two citizen science projects I'd love you to contribute to: 1) use of bee hotels (worldwide project), and 2) native bee observations (WA members only). To contribute, click on the Google drive link pinned as the first post on this page. This will lead to 3 spreadsheets: one for bee hotels, the other two for observations of bees in 'natural' areas (bushland/parks/reserves) and residential areas. Double click on the appropriate spreadsheet, scroll down to the next blank row, and fill in the data according to the column headings - not all columns need to be filled in if you don't have some of that information.
Bee hotels: install bee hotels! And then monitor them: I want to know what type of hotel you have, what bees are using it, and when, and any other interesting observations you make! =D
Bee observations: In WA, I want to know when and where and what types of bees you see! I can help with IDs of bees if you post a photo, or you can reference the photo albums on this group page.