Ranger Nikki will lead you on a 4-mile easy/moderate hike to look for cactus blooms, wildflowers and pollinators visiting flowers. Learn how to document your findings on the citizen science app, iNaturalist*, and how to join app-based local and worldwide biodiversity projects. We will also talk about the Parks Department butterfly monitoring initiative and you will receive an identification handout to help with your own observations. The route is a 4-miles loop using Blevins, Crismon Wash, Levee, Nighthawk Wash and NoSo Trails. The trails are rated as easy to moderate with terrain varying from even to rocky/uneven. The wash trails consist of shallow to deep sand and hiking poles may be helpful. Wear closed-toe shoes and bring snacks and plenty of water. Bring a camera and notebook to log your observations. **Create a SciStarter account first. If you would like to learn how to document via iNaturalist, please download the free app at home and register with a username prior to arrivalDownload the INaturalist app and create an INaturalist account using the same email address. Then add your INaturalist username to your SciStarter account in “Info & Settings” where noted. Then, your participation in INaturalist projects and events, including the Phoenix Area City Nature Challenge, will count towards SciStarter’s collective goal of One Million Acts of Science this April! MEETING LOCATION: Trailhead Staging, Blevins west access Restrooms and water are available at the Nature Center and Trailhead.
Become a SciStarter Ambassador!
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Applications for Cohort 4 are open!

Libraries and community organizations need your help to spark excitement for citizen science and keep the momentum going!

The SciStarter Ambassador Program offers FREE training to volunteers ready to make an impact in their communities.

Ready to make a difference? Complete your application by March 14th to join the movement!