The Caherconnell Project is your chance to join an exclusive excavation of an important fortress complex within the world-famous Burren karst landscape of western Ireland. This is the first time that archaeology fieldwork at this location has been made available specifically to travelers. Choose from a thoughtfully curated 11-day dig + itinerary or attend 5-days of archaeological fieldwork at Caherconnell. For both the dig and itinerary, all accommodations and transportation and most meals are covered! ​ The area around Caherconnell is important in understanding Ireland’s past. Caherconnell is a well-preserved, multi-period archaeological complex, rich in sites and artefacts. The Burren, where Caherconnell is located, has had a high concentration of human activity over a long period of time. Caherconnell itself is home to four stone forts. The site has yielded evidence of habitation from the Irish Neolithic (circa 4000 BC) right through to late medieval times (circa late 17th century AD). The largest stone fort on the site has produced evidence that high-status Gaelic lords lived, farmed, ruled, and manufactured objects made of precious metals here. The incredible preservation of both artefacts and monuments found at Caherconnell are providing researchers details and a deeper understanding of the entire Irish human story from native settlement, economics, and politics through time.