Fairmont State University Campus & Community STEM Bridge Map-a-Thon
When: August 17th, 9:30am - 11:45 am
For Fairmont State University students, staff, & faculty meet at Fairmont State University COLA Lab (308 Hardway Hall)
For Community: Wherever YOU are
Why: Join the First2 Network and STEM Bridge program at Fairmont State University as we build geo-literacy through citsci and the #Year of CitSci Calendar
Use the Geoawareness Hub to get started
Shareable URL: FAIRMONTSTATE.EDU/geo-awareness-week
How: Pick the one that works best for you
-Kickstart your knowledge by getting your SciStarter Citizen Science Badge (about 1 hour) https://scistarter.org/training
-Complete a citizen science activity (20 minutes - whenever you like) anywhere on campus
Hangout in the Citizen Science GeoCafe (COLA Student Lounge)
-Create a #Year of Citizen Science calendar page for COLA social media
-Print out #Year of Citizen Science calendar and put it on the wall for future events
-Brainstorm a rating system for Fairmont State University Citizen Science Projects