Questionnaire participation or Experimental Participation. Experiment Phase 1: A sound (or some other stimuli) is made that your dog can sense the range of. If the low sound is made, the dog is rewarded for a specific behavior (such as going to the correct location to receive the reward). If the high sound is made, the dog is rewarded for a different specific behavior (such as going to a different location to receive the reward). There is a third, less desired, reward (less food, for example) that the dog receives if she does a third different specific behavior (such as going to a third different location). The third reward is always received for that third behavior regardless of the sound. But if the dog does this third behavior (and receives this lesser reward), no other reward is given (for this session). Frequency of this training is recorded. When dog has learned where to go for high and low pitch sounds, phase 2 begins. Phase 2: The sound of phase 1 is made at different pitches, including several middle pitches (not clearly high or low), randomly. The dog is still only rewarded as in phase 1. Record is made of pitches sounded and dog responses. Hypothesis: if the dog is aware of her knowing which behavior will be rewarded, she will increasingly do the third behavior (rather than risk no reward) as the pitch becomes increasingly indeterminate between high and low. (Null Hypothesis: if the dog is not aware of her knowing which behavior will be rewarded, she will not increasingly do the third behavior (rather than risk no reward) as the pitch becomes increasingly indeterminate between high and low.)
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