Hey NYC! Let's work together on something while remaining apart. In light of the current epidemic, the CNC is no longer a competition between the cities of the world. Let's focus on the healing power of being outside or observing nature through your window. During the days of the CNC, as long as it is safe to do so, make a few observations of your nearby non-human urban residents and share them with the community here on iNaturalist.
Please follow local/state/federal guidelines to determine if it is safe to go outside. Here are NYC's recommendations as of March 18 (keep in mind that these may change at any time): https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/imm/stop-the-spread-poster.pdf
Participation is EASY and FREE! Download the iNaturalist app to your mobile device. During the time from April 24-27, use the app to upload photos of organisms to the iNaturalist and the iNaturalist community will help you identify them. It's as simple as that!
Join the iNaturalist project so you can see updates: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2020-new-york-city
The City Nature Challenge is globally organized by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and California Academy of Sciences. For more info and educator resources, visit: www.citynaturechallenge.org
Tip for SciStarter users: if you add your iNaturalist username to info & settings in your dashboard, you can track the frequency and number of your iNaturalist contributions with your SciStarter account!