Join the CEI_Mind Volunteer Team: Help Turn Research Into Action.
The Civilization Efficiency Index (CEI) is a global initiative aimed at mass transforming research into real-world solutions that enhance societal progress. The CEI_Mind platform serves as a central hub for fostering evidence-based action.
As a SciStarter volunteer, you can help bridge the gap between research and action.
There are many independent channels and tools available for those eager to take part, and your efforts—no matter the approach—will contribute to documenting and showcasing how research leads to tangible change.
1. Share Cases of Research-to-Action Impact
Have you come across examples where scientific research has led to tangible outcomes, such as changes in policies, corporate practices, community programs, or NGO initiatives? If you already know of such cases, or if you’d like to explore and find examples, we’d love to hear from you!
Simply share what you know in the comments section of this SciStarter assignment. To verify, please provide the following: DOI, ORCID of the author, and a link to a media article or document published on organization’s website (e.g., a press release). See an example here:
Although many companies perform their own research, our primary aim is to document the impact of external research on organizational processes.
Once shared, we’ll create a detailed profile for the study, the researcher, and the resulting impact in CEI_Mind system. We’ll also acknowledge your efforts directly within the study card, ensuring your contribution is recognized.
By sharing your insights, you’re helping to build a growing library of success stories that demonstrate how research can transform society for the better.
2. Organize Outreach Campaigns to Promote Research
Research often needs a voice to be heard. As a volunteer, you can play a pivotal role in bringing attention to important studies by organizing outreach campaigns.
Here’s what you can do:
Select a study from a reputable platform like ScienceDirect (Google Scholar, Academia, Mendeley or CEI_Mind database) and identify organizations, companies, or local politicians who may benefit from it.
Reach out to them via letters, emails, or social media, encouraging them to issue press releases, public interest statements, or commitments to investigate the issues raised in the research.
If you have access to a news outlet, blog, or social media platform, amplify the study’s message by sharing it with your audience.
If you’re part of an NGO, you can advocate for the research within your organization and use it to support your campaigns, sharing the results with us for broader dissemination.
We’re here to amplify and highlight your efforts. For example, if you’d like to organize a “collaborative outreach effort” (like a letter marathon), let us know. Together, we can coordinate: you can draft the initial message, invite other SciStarter users to join in, and we’ll also send letters from the @trl-global address to strengthen the campaign. This isn’t spam—it’s a collaborative effort to demonstrate widespread support for important research, showing its relevance and building momentum around its findings.
We’ll ensure your efforts are tied to the Civilization Efficiency Index (CEI). Your campaign, and its outcomes, will be acknowledged and displayed within our system, connecting your work to the broader picture of how research impacts society.
3. Advocate for Local Change
If you’re passionate about improving your local community, you can combine the first two tasks to make a difference in your area.
Here’s how:
Use the ScienceDirect, Academia, CEI_Mind database to find research that addresses issues relevant to your region.
Share the findings with local organizations, businesses, or politicians, urging them to consider its insights and take action.
Document your efforts and the responses you receive, and we’ll highlight your work as an example of research-driven local advocacy.
This approach ensures that global research has a local impact, creating a ripple effect of positive change.