JOGL Africa is organising a special event with selected partners to commemorate Citizen Science Month. Citizen Science Month is an annual celebration held in April aimed at showcasing how volunteers from every walk of life can contribute to science by collecting data, analysing results, educating the public and solving problems. Dubbed ‘Community Science in Action’, the programme seeks to highlight cutting-edge community initiatives addressing important social impact issues in Africa and beyond. The event will start with project showcases from invited leaders followed by an open discussion on emerging trends, opportunities, and challenges in involving the public in scientific research and innovation. Participants will also learn more about how JOGL enables community science and creates opportunities in our ecosystem.
At the end of the event, we hope to connect people involved in research, innovation, entrepreneurship, civil society, and the public sector, cutting across disciplines and sectors. With our open approach, we encourage questions, comments, and interventions from all attendees. Check out the event page to learn more about our speakers: