The Skidaway Institute of Oceanography has been funded by the Georgia Coastal Zone Management Program to assess the distribution of wrack in the salt marshes of coastal Georgia. Marsh wrack is the dead marsh grass that forms large layers on top of the water or the marsh surface.
The project will map the distribution for a number of different years from aerial photographs to determine how much wrack is present in coastal Georgia and where wrack is found in different seasons. The project also aims to study how long wrack persists in a variety of marsh settings.
To do this, the project needs citizen scientists to help document marsh wrack sites. Volunteers will do the following activities:
1. Identify site or sites that you can document at least weekly by taking photos.
2. Gather latitude/longitude location data for each site.
Anyone who helps out will get a copy on the final results of the study and acknowledgement of their help in the text