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CookiesSciStarter is a collection of citizen science projects, events and tools developed or operated by researchers, developers, practitioners and other professionals in support of scientific research in collaboration with the public. SciStarter organizes information about thousands of projects from around the world and shares projects with organizations and media partners to reach millions of people where they are. SciStarter also organizes and anonymizes information about participants’ use of the website. Data about the projects on SciStarter are used to help researchers at several universities study the landscape of projects (including gaps); data about participation use of the site are used to study community building, interface design, learning outcomes, and other topics.The detailed version of our “Terms of Use” and “Privacy Policy” can be found here and here.This page provides an overview of cookies, what participant data we collect, how we use it and how we protect it.What you agree to if you use SciStarterIn some cases, SciStarter hosts data collection forms on behalf of researchers seeking help from the public to answer questions they cannot answer alone. That data is made available to the researchers and may or may not include personally identifiable information about participants. If a user name or email is collected, participants are notified or asked to agree to share this data first. In any case, observational data submitted to projects and any data you share with SciStarter (except data about you, of course, which we cover in the Privacy Policy) can be used and reused by SciStarter, partners, and researchers. You grant us, our partners, and the researchers non-exclusive permission which means that you still own your contribution. You may use, distribute or modify your individual contributions and data as you see fit.In the vast majority of projects, you will leave SciStarter to participate in the project. We encourage you to read the terms of use and privacy policies of each website that hosts a project you join. Our policies may be different than theirs.Please do not contribute data to SciStarter that you do not own, including images, videos, or other data because we could get in trouble. You wouldn’t want that, right?Let’s get into the details. When you contribute data to SciStarter, you grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable license to: use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to your contribution worldwide and/or to incorporate your contribution in other works in any media. Our attorneys feel this is a good time to cut to the chase to say, “you can’t use the site if you don’t grant us these rights.” By using SciStarter, you agree to only share data you have the right to share, taking into account the items above, and indemnify us against all legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be incurred by us as a result of your breach of the above warranty.PrivacyWe also collect additional data about you to advance research on the field of citizen science and to make SciStarter better and more responsive to your needs.We respect your privacy and the privacy and we operate in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and each researcher we share data with operates in accordance with the United States regulations to protect human subjects in research.Data we collectIdentifying information: If you create a SciStarter account, you provide your name, email addressand an optional username. Your e-mail address is not visible to other users except, and only withyour permission, project leaders. People will see your name on SciStarter although you can opt tomake your profile private.Usage information: We analyze how people use SciStarter and aggregate data about users and engagement patterns by recording:Where you arrived from (which site referred you to SciStarter)When you signed up or logged inPages you visit on SciStarter and the time spent on those pagesProjects you’ve bookmarked or joinedParticipation in projects through SciStarter or, if the projects use SciStarter’s Affiliate Tools(see for details), contributions to projects on other sites.Ratings and reviews you add to projectsIf you are signed in with your SciStarter account, your name is associated with these events or weuse your IP address if you’re not logged in or do not have an account. We also use GoogleAnalytics to learn more such as browsers and devices used to access SciStarter, etc.Why do we collect this data?We want to reach you to share updates, let you know about new projects near you, connect you to researchers in need of your help, invite you to participate in our own research about the SciStarter platform, alert you to updates and changes, invite you to events or to participate in media interviews, send you a newsletter (if you opt in for that), and more.You can "opt out" of our emails and newsletters anytime by clicking “unsubscribe” or “remove mefrom this list” at the bottom of our emails.What we share with others.Rest assured that we do not send your e-mail address to third parties unless you explicitly give us permission to do so. We never share data we collect about your use of the site unless (a) it cannot be associated with you or your username, and (b) it is necessary to accomplish our or our partners’ research goals. We do share your anonymized data with scholarly researchers and practitioners who aim to improve the practice of citizen science.Your public name used to create your SciStarter account is available to visitors of the site and tothe leaders of projects you join. Otherwise, information is stored in our secured database.Passwords are hashed for added security.About those cookiesA cookie is a small file placed on your computer's hard drive. Cookies help us understand what pages are used so we can improve the site based on your personal preferences. We do not use this information for advertising. We do use this to information on our site and, for affiliate projects that use SciStarter’s affiliate tools (see, we use cookies to help you earn credit for your participation in projects on other websites.You can choose to accept or decline cookies in your browser’s settings. If you opt to decline cookies from SciStarter, we may not be able to provide services and features (log-in, tallying your participation, saving your bookmarked projects, etc).If you continue to access our website without adjusting your browser settings, it is assumed that you accept cookies.Removing your dataWe can remove your personal data from our systems however we cannot remove your data from projects you’ve joined through SciStarter. If you have specific concerns, please contact usMore informationAt any time, please contact us for copy of the information we archive about you and your use ofthe site:Darlene CavalierSciStarter306 Delancey StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19106
Become a SciStarter Ambassador!
SciStarter Ambassador badge logo

Applications to join the final cohort in this inaugural class of SciStarter Ambassadors due May 2nd

Libraries and community organizations need your help to spark excitement for citizen science and keep the momentum going!

The SciStarter Ambassador Program offers FREE training to volunteers ready to make an impact in their communities.

Ready to make a difference? Complete your application by May 2nd to join the movement!