El Dorado Trout Unlimited (EDTU) is continuing its State Water Resources approved monitoring program for the Cosumnes River in 2016. The Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program has used volunteer citizen scientists to gather high quality data since 2000. The program is successful because it adheres to strict quality control/quality assurance procedures, provides training, and has guidance from a Technical Advisory Committee. The data gathered is stored in the Water Resources Database CEDEN, accessible on line.
In 2016 we will continue to monitor key parameters of the river and take structured observations of habitat and species present. Information gathered is part of a watershed assessment, in preparation for restoration work. Trout Unlimited is known for collaborating with partners to create innovative, win/win solutions that support communities and river health.
Participants do river monitoring, photography, data analysis/management, outreach and program materials development. You may see our volunteers working near the river once a month; they're the ones with the Trout Unlimited T-shirts and clipboards!