The De Olho na Costa (Eye on the Coast) project objective is to test a simple, quick and low-cost tool for the long-term monitoring of the benthic organisms from Brazilian rocky shores. Also, the project intends to promote knowledge and reflection on citizen science, benthic marine communities and climate change among participants, in addition to enabling participants to carry out the photo-identification of benthic organisms from rocky shores. Participants are expected to be able to: 1) define and identify citizen science initiatives; 2) get to know common benthic organisms in Brazilian rocky shores and perform their photo-identification; 3) know the main impacts of climate change in these environments and the importance of long-term monitoring studies for the prevention or mitigation of impacts. At the same time, the project intends to collect and process data on benthic rocky shore communities with the help of volunteers.
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Applications for Cohort 4 are open!

Libraries and community organizations need your help to spark excitement for citizen science and keep the momentum going!

The SciStarter Ambassador Program offers FREE training to volunteers ready to make an impact in their communities.

Ready to make a difference? Complete your application by March 14th to join the movement!