Across the globe scientists and education specialists have been supporting and developing educational seismology networks (school seismology programs) for decades. In the UK this process has been overseen and supported by the British Geological Survey. In 2017 a new EU Horizon 2020 funded project SERA will provide support for school seismology groups from UK, France, Switzerland, Romania, Portugal and Greece to work closely together, this time with a specific interest in developing collaborations and finding synergies with the growing citizen science movement involved in seismology. This is typified by the Raspberry Shake project, which arose from a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2016 by seismologists in Panama and now has over 600 participants across the world, all recording and sharing seismic data on inexpensive raspberry pi/geophone based sensors ( Within Europe the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) has led the way in citizen seismology with smartphone and web based citizen seismology activities. We are taking the opportunity of working together with EU partners in 2018 to host an international specialist discussion meeting, bringing together key practitioners in educational and citizen seismology from across the UK, Europe and worldwide.