Donate your DNA to science! If you have used genetic testing services such as 23andMe or Navigenics, you can offer your genetic data to DIYgenomics for a variety of medical studies. DIYgenomics is now recruiting participants for its first study, which will examine the effect of a common mutation on vitamin B metabolism. In a gene called the MTHFR gene, two small mutations prevent vitamin B9 (or folic acid) from being metabolized into its active form (folate). People who lack this form of vitamin B may develop nutritional deficiencies and symptoms associated with diabetes complications, including damage to blood vessels and nerves. Up to 60% of people may have some form of MTHFR mutation. DIYgenomics aims to: --Find people with MTHFR mutations by collecting data from volunteers who have used genetic testing services. --Ask them to try simple interventions, such as taking over-the-counter vitamin B supplements. --Ask participants to share results from blood tests performed at commercial labs.