Calling all U.S. libraries and community-based organizations! Shorebirds embark on epic migrations each year along ancient, often uncharted routes called Flyways. Over 200 species, including Far Eastern Curlews, Lesser Yellowlegs, Red Knots, and Hudsonian Godwits, travel from the southern hemisphere to the Arctic and back, flying non-stop for up to nine days without food or water. However, these bird populations are plummeting due to climate change and urban development. “Flyways,” a new documentary, explores a global conservation effort led by bird experts and citizen scientists working to understand and protect these migratory shorebirds. HHMI Tangled Bank Studios (the team behind “Flyways”) has partnered with SciStarter to inspire worldwide participation in bird-related citizen science ahead of the fall migration. Register to join a free webinar on June 11 at 2 PM ET to learn more about “Flyways” and how to apply for a grant to support related programming at your library this fall. Grants can be used to host a screening of “Flyways” and support bird-related citizen science programming during the fall bird migration. Mini grants are restricted to United States libraries and community-based organizations, but communities around the world are encouraged to join the bird population monitoring and citizen science movement! RSVP to learn more ( during the webinar, and discover how to watch Flyways, citizen science opportunities, resources for community engagement, and the mini grant application on
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Applications for Cohort 4 are open!

Libraries and community organizations need your help to spark excitement for citizen science and keep the momentum going!

The SciStarter Ambassador Program offers FREE training to volunteers ready to make an impact in their communities.

Ready to make a difference? Complete your application by March 14th to join the movement!