Can you lend your expertise to assist the City of Quito, Ecuador to prepare for the likely eruption of the Cotopaxi Volcano situated 30 miles from Quito? Cotopaxi is currently spewing ash. The last large-scale eruption was in 1877, and it is believed that another one is now inevitable. If it erupts, some communities will have less than half an hour to evacuate. The scale of the challenge is overwhelming. Yet there are those of you out there with good ideas for how to mitigate the risks, especially using technology and innovation, or those of you who know others who have relevant experience, skills, and know how. We want to ask you to participate in one or more of a series of online coaching sessions to help the city get smarter about how to prepare. Please, we need your help. The goal of these online sessions is to: Better define and understand the nature of the problem Help connect those people with relevant experience and know how to city officials to help Quito better manage the impending disaster Identify innovative and practical ways, especially using new technology, to tackle the challenge at hand Result in at least 2-3 implementable ways per topic of doing things differently that could potentially save lives, save resources, and allow for money to be spent on what matters most. Logistics: Each session will run online from 11 am EST for 1.5 hours on a Monday or Thursday (see calendar below) Each session will be attended by those city officials with responsibility for that topic, who will share background information about the current state of readiness. Each session will be moderated by an expert in the field. Each session will be staffed by volunteers who will take notes and follow up the session to develop good ideas into more concrete and actionable proposals backed up by research.
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Applications for Cohort 4 are open!

Libraries and community organizations need your help to spark excitement for citizen science and keep the momentum going!

The SciStarter Ambassador Program offers FREE training to volunteers ready to make an impact in their communities.

Ready to make a difference? Complete your application by March 14th to join the movement!