It's story of discovery, in an age where the discovery of new tree species is rare, in addition to the allure of owning a living dinosaur, has resulted in the Wollemi Pine being sought after for botanic gardens and home gardens worldwide. The first plants were released to the public in a Sotheby’s Auction in 2006, and since then their prices and nursery availability has fluctuated. Wollemi Pines have travelled far and wide from their Australian home, through the international nursery trade – and as gifts travelling with Australian diplomats. The allure of growing one’s own Wollemi Pine has been tempered by the stories of those who have owned Wollemi Pines that have died. On the other hand, there are anecdotes of Wollemi pines achieving record growth rates in garden environments which are worlds away from the rainforest canyon in which the Wollemi pine was discovered. Using a citizen science approach, this study aims to bring together data on Wollemi Pine growth and survival in gardens globally. We will identify best and worst places on Earth to grow Wollemi pines, and the environmental conditions (temperature, rainfall, soil) which characterise these places.