Mosquitos aren't just annoying, they're a serious health risk worldwide. Millions of people die each year from mosquito-borne disease. While climate and weather conditions can suggest to scientists where to expect spikes in mosquito populations during the year, we don’t know for sure what is happening unless we make observations on the ground. With NASA's GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper, you can use an app to document potential mosquito habitats (like standing water) and identify mosquito types near you. Your observations augment broad scale satellite-based research to help reduce risk of vector-borne disease in your community, and worldwide! Join us online Tuesday August 29th at 2pm ET and we'll walk you through the steps to participate in NASA's Mosquito Habitat Mapper.
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SciStarter LIVE is a weekly event where you can join us on Zoom or watch the live stream on SciStarter’s Facebook page as we work through a citizen science project together. We’ll demonstrate the project and answer your questions. If you register, we will email you a YouTube link to the recording.
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Become a SciStarter Ambassador!
Applications for Cohort 4 are open!
Libraries and community organizations need your help to spark excitement for citizen science and keep the momentum going!
The SciStarter Ambassador Program offers FREE training to volunteers ready to make an impact in their communities.
Ready to make a difference? Complete your application by March 14th to join the movement!