Marine LitterWatch (MLW) is a model developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) which combines citizen engagement and modern technology to tackle the problem of marine litter. It aims to help fill data gaps on marine litter found on beaches relevant for EU marine environmental policy (the Marine Strategy Framework Directive), while involving citizens in its collection and monitoring. In addition, it allows for the gathering of data from clean-up initiatives.
Litter, plastics in particular, is accumulating in our seas and coasts. Information and data on marine litter is essential for tackling it. The European Environment Agency has developed Marine LitterWatch mobile app to strengthen Europe’s knowledge base and thus provide support to European policy making. The European Union is addressing the problem of marine litter through the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). MLW aims to collect data on marine litter on beaches relevant for the MSFD to support official monitoring, with the help of interested citizens and communities. It also allows the collection of data from non-official initiatives such as clean-ups
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