The Oriole Project is an opportunity for Massachusetts residents to observe and help track the health of Baltimore Oriole populations.
While Baltimore Orioles are still relatively common in Massachusetts, scientists have detected local population declines and have proposed that the species be monitored. This on-going pilot project aims to study the distribution, populations, and breeding activities of Baltimore Orioles in the Massachusetts area.
The project's new online mapping tool allows participants to enter as many oriole sightings as they want with only a single sign-on. The tool also allows volunteers to pinpoint the exact locality of a bird without having to give an address or written description.
The goal of the Massachusetts Audubon Oriole Project is to enlist as many citizen scientists as possible in building a database about the breeding status of these magnificent birds. The data collected now will form the foundation for future conservation efforts to ensure that this beautiful vocalist will be a permanent part of the New England landscape.