star Be part of April 1–30! star
It has now been 5 years since the release of radioactive contaminants from Fukushima and we are now seeing the evidence on the west coast of North America. Help scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution reveal the ongoing spread of radiation across the Pacific and its evolving impacts on the ocean. Clarification for fundraising costs: shipping is about 20% of the cost, the other majority is for the cesium extraction steps in the lab, radioactivity detection and data processing, along with managing the web site and database. There are 3 ways to support us: 1) Help us reach our goal by donating to sample an existing site. Simply click on "HELP FUND A LOCATION" and choose to support one of the many sites that are underway 2) Someone can propose a new sampling site. Click on "PROPOSE A LOCATION" and see what is involved. We are trying to get spread of locations up/down coast. With a donation or fundraising of $100 we'll set up a fundraising webpage, add that page to our website, and send you a sampling kit once your goal has been reached. Fundraising amounts are generally between $550 (WA, OR, CA) and $600 (BC, AK, HI). Differences reflect increased shipping charges to some areas. 3) We also seek funds for general capacity building and public education activities at CMER: ($20 minimum donation)
Become a SciStarter Ambassador!
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Applications to join the final cohort in this inaugural class of SciStarter Ambassadors due May 2nd

Libraries and community organizations need your help to spark excitement for citizen science and keep the momentum going!

The SciStarter Ambassador Program offers FREE training to volunteers ready to make an impact in their communities.

Ready to make a difference? Complete your application by May 2nd to join the movement!