The entire planet is poo-luted. Dog waste in our cities is a problem for the environment, particularly our waterways. People are also part of the environment and by not picking up after our dogs, we are potentially polluting ourselves. That’s crazy!
Around the world, different countries have varying success in encouraging dog owners to ‘scoop the poop’ and use a combination of awareness campaigns and fines.
Where are the dogs going in your local area? Are there ‘hotspots’ where dogs like to poo in the same place? Are they near environmentally sensitive areas like rivers and creeks? Maybe these hotspots could be useful as sources of biogas energy using Poo Power!?
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to map dog poo ‘hotspots’ at your local parks and public spaces. Once uploaded onto the Global Poo Map (allow between 24-48 hours), as a class/group discuss the scientific, social and environmental issues and compile some recommendations into a letter to your local Government representative.