In late Summer, after leaving the nesting colony, Purple Martins gather in large flocks to feed, socialize and rest before migrating. This activity, known as pre-migratory roosting can attract thousands of birds to one small area. Martins also form winter roosts on their South American wintering grounds were they will often flock together with other martin species. Project Martin Roost is a cooperative research project between the PMCA, its members, and bird enthusiasts everywhere. It is designed to protect and promote Purple Martin roosts in North and South America. The first step in conserving Purple Martin roosts is documenting their occurrence. Radar images suggest that more than 350 migratory roosts occur in the eastern U.S. and Canada; however most of these locations are undocumented. Where exactly are these roost sites? How many exist in North and South America? Are there any issues with established roost sites? This is where you can help the most! If you have visited a roost please submit a report. Keep in mind that roosts do occasionally move and knowing whether a roost is still active at the previous or new location is very important. Some roosts have been detected with radar, but it may not be known how many martins are there. Please consider visiting some of these roosts to help improve the roost database. With your help we can help to protect and improve roosting locations for martins throughout the range.
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