Join RainLog's network of over 1,000 volunteers that use backyard rain gauges to monitor precipitation across Arizona and in neighboring states. Data collected through this network will be used for a variety of applications, from watershed management activities to drought planning at local, county, and state levels. All you need to participate is a rain gauge and access to the Internet. Volunteers select a rain gauge, install it at home, and report daily total rainfall amounts through the online data entry form. Volunteers are asked to track daily or monthly precipitation amounts. Precipitation amounts are highly variable across Arizona due to topography and seasonal weather patterns. This is especially true during the monsoon season, when thunderstorms can produce heavy rainfall that is very localized. Your observations will provide valuable information to be used in drought monitoring and resource management decision-making. All data posted by volunteers is available in real-time in maps. These maps are useful in tracking high-resolution variability in precipitation patterns and potential changes in drought status. As more people participate and more information is gathered, the resolution of the maps will improve.
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Applications for Cohort 3 are still open!

Libraries and community organizations need your help to spark excitement for citizen science and keep the momentum going!

The SciStarter Ambassador Program offers FREE training to volunteers ready to make an impact in their communities.

Ready to make a difference? Complete your application by January 25th to join the movement!