Kickoff to 2024 Science Saturday Season: Learn And Contribute! Join the LBIF and hosts Rick Bushnell and Darlene Cavalier via Zoom for another great Science Saturday Season. For over 15 years, the purpose of Science Saturday’s have been to try and stimulate people to find facts and information about environmental topics to instill a desire for people to be involved. In 2024, we are going to show people how recording their observations can be used by the scientific community. You will find out about simple fun projects that will enable you, friends, and family to learn and contribute. About the hosts: Rick Bushnell is a past president of the LBIF, Chair of the Environmental Stewardship Committee, Chairman of the Board of ReClam The Bay And has been deeply involved in LBI environmental issues for over 20 years. Darlene Cavalier has a home in Barnegat Light and is a new member of the LBIF Environmental Stewardship Committee. In addition to being a “hands on” scientist, she is a professor of practice at Arizona State University and the founder of SciStarter, a popular citizen science portal and research platform connecting millions of people to real science that they can do right here, on LBI.