The Secchi Dip-In monitors water transparency (sometimes, using a secchi disk), which provides a wealth of information. Transparency is sensitive to changes in nutrient levels and to changes in the temperature structure of the lake. Transparency and turbidity can be measured by a variety of instruments in most every aquatic habitat. The Dip-In also welcomes measurements of water temperature.
Participants take a Secchi measurement on one day during the month of July. Participants monitor lakes, reservoirs, estuaries, rivers, or streams, however they must already have the simple equipment and training to do so. Many Dip-In participants are members of an established volunteer or professional monitoring program. The Dip-In encourages monitoring programs to use this event to highlight their local efforts. However, individuals and informal groups of participants are also welcome to complete training and submit data.
When 5 or more years of data have been gathered on a site, it is used to determine trends in transparency. The Dip-In currently tracks over 2,000 waterbodies for trends in transparency.
2016 marks the 23rd anniversary of the Dip-In and the 151st anniversary of the very first Secchi dip by Father Pietro Angelo Secchi. Each summer Dip-In participants add their water transparency measurements to a unique effort and thus demonstrate that they are an invaluable part of the effort to monitor lakes around the world. We invite you to celebrate Lakes Appreciation Month by participating in the July 2016 Secchi Dip-In!
ORGANIZE – Use SciStarter to plan a Secchi Dip-In social event. Create and distribute advertisements locally.
SHARE your activities on social media!
Twitter – @SecchiDipIn, #SecchiDipIn2016, #NALMS
Facebook – Secchi Dip-In
LinkedIn – The North American Lake Management Society (NALMS)
SUBMIT your data to the Secchi Dip-In Online Database.
Having trouble submitting data? Review our step-by-step guide or e-mail us at secchidipin@nalms.org.
You can also support lake-monitoring efforts by submitting your data through the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network’s (GLEON) Lake Observer App.
FEEDBACK – Share your thoughts! E-mail secchidipin@nalms.org.