Grab a bevy and tune in to laugh and learn at a virtual and educational happy hour. Join the Desert Museum's Education Manager, Catherine Bartlett, as she interviews scientists from around the world- and not necessarily about their area of expertise! Be silly. Be surprised. BYOB.
This week we’ll meet Ken-ichi Ueda, who co-founded and currently co-directs iNaturalist, a website for nature nerds.
Ken-ichi has been fascinated by nature for as long as he can recall. He used to horrify his mom by waltzing into the house holding snakes and salamanders to show her. Eventually, he translated that love into a degree in biology. Since then, he’s worked as a GIS technician, web developer, and wildlife technician. iNaturalist grew out of the belief that he might not be alone in his desire to combine nature and the Web. iNat has rendered that belief unnecessary. In his spare time, he enjoys watching TV shows with spaceships.