The community at Watertown (MA), led by Judy Johanson - a dedicated #ENDAlz campaign supporter, are running all day events to raise awareness & raise funds to fight Alzheimer's disease on June 17th - part of The Longest Day activities of Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month.
The event will start with "Hope Lap" at the Victory field, Watertownm at 10am & go on with various events across town throughout the day, including a live Stall Catchers block party!
The Stall Catchers block party will include a demo of the game & everyone will be able to join "This Is Our Life" team on Stall Catchers & continue playing during the day (and beyond), fighting Alzheimer's together, with citizen science. The block party will be joined by the researchers at EyesOnALZ & filmed by The Crowd & The Cloud documentary crew!
Drop by if you are in the Boston area or participate remotely by joining "This Is Our Life" team on Stall Catchers:
You can also support Judy's The Longest Day campaign here: