From the 19th to the 22nd of October, the Natural History Museum in London is taking part in WeDigBio 2017, a global event that engages participants online and onsite in digitizing natural history collections, hosted by museums, herbaria, universities, and other institutions around the world. MINIATURE FOSSILS MAGNIFIED - Be a digital volunteer for the Museum. Extract research data from microscope slides of some of the world's smallest fossils. The Natural History Museum is on a mission to digitise the 80 million specimens in its collection. We want to make the information the specimens hold about the natural world more openly available to scientists and the public. Among the thousands of microscope slides we have imaged are a collection of microscopic fossils embedded in slices of rock. Now we need your help to transcribe information from the specimen labels so that the data can be used for scientific research. These thin sections of ancient ocean sediment contain tiny organisms, foraminifera, that lived in shallow tropical seas. The label data will help us learn how our environment, climate and ocean have changed over 500 million years. The 4-day WeDigBio event will be a great opportunity to meet other natural history enthusiasts in the Notes from Nature online talk-forums, where the Miniature Fossils Magnified project is hosted. After these 1,402 slides have been transcribed, the entire collection will be made publicly available on the Museum's Data Portal at
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