What's in your water? Tune in to learn how to monitor indoor and outdoor water quality. Citizen science projects can be done from virtually anywhere, making these fun activities easy to join while maintaining safe social distancing. Project leaders will demonstrate for you how you can get started in an interactive virtual event. Projects spotlighted: EarthEcho Water Challenge (https://scistarter.org/earthecho-water-challenge): The EarthEcho Water Challenge is an international program that empowers citizen volunteers to monitor their local water bodies. An easy-to-use test kit enables anyone to sample local water bodies for basic water quality parameters: temperature, pH, clarity (turbidity), and dissolved oxygen. Participants share their data through the EarthEcho Water Challenge database, contributing to our global understanding of the state of our world’s water resources, and use their findings to help guide projects/actions to protect their local waterways. Stream Selfie (https://scistarter.org/stream-selfie): What’s in YOUR water? We all have the right to know if the streams running through our backyards and neighborhood parks are safe. But there is an alarming lack of up-to-date information about water quality across the country. Stream Selfie is here to bridge that information gap. Stream Selfie connects you with thousands of other citizen scientists to paint a picture of streams across America. Simply snap a pic of your local stream and share it here. Your photo is step one in our effort to check the health of every stream in the country – far more streams than state and local agencies have the resources to check! Crowd the Tap (https://scistarter.org/crowd-the-tap): The mission of Crowd the Tap is to ensure safe drinking water in the United States. Make your home part of the national inventory of water pipe materials! The inventory will help prioritize areas for tap water testing and infrastructure replacement. Being part of the inventory will connect you with others in your neighborhood and beyond who want to make drinking water safe for all.
Become a SciStarter Ambassador!
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Applications for Cohort 4 are open!

Libraries and community organizations need your help to spark excitement for citizen science and keep the momentum going!

The SciStarter Ambassador Program offers FREE training to volunteers ready to make an impact in their communities.

Ready to make a difference? Complete your application by March 14th to join the movement!