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Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI)

Clean the marine environment a... Clean the marine environment and collect scientific data on what is removed
Do a beach/river clean-up and ... Do a beach/river clean-up and collect data on what you remove
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iNaturalistAU parks818 CC-BY-SA

The Giant Eucalypts Project

Goal Conservation of giant Eucalypts
Record observations on iNatura... Record observations on iNaturalist Australia
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Jonas Traber


Collect, archive, and search b... Collect, archive, and search bird observations.
Visit our website to find out ... Visit our website to find out more details.
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iNaturalistAU CC-BY-SA

Weeds of SE Australia

Record wild observations of in... Record wild observations of introduced plants.
Record observations with the i... Record observations with the iNaturalistAU app
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Port Adelaide Enfield Flora & Fauna Monitoring

Collect on a regular basis rec... Collect on a regular basis records of bird and other fauna species.
The Port Adelaide Enfield Flor... The Port Adelaide Enfield Flora & Fauna Monitoring.......
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NASA (Public Domain)

Atlas of Living Australia

Create a database of Australia... Create a database of Australian biodiversity.
Contribute sightings of Austra... Contribute sightings of Australian plants and animals
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Peter Raine, City of Adelaide

Chequered Copper (Lucia limbaria) butterfly monitoring

Awareness on the Chequered Cop... Awareness on the Chequered Copper (Lucia limbaria) in Adelaide
Report sightings of Chequered ... Report sightings of Chequered Copper butterfly and Oxalis perennans
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Seamus Doherty

Mozzie Monitors

Mozzie Monitors aims to increa... Mozzie Monitors aims to increase scientific data on mosquito communities composition in Australia, as well as raise awareness of mosquitoes - ecological and epidemiological importance.
1) Trap group: setting a mosqu... 1) Trap group: setting a mosquito trap in the yard, photographing the trapped mozzies and emailing the photo into us – about every 2 weeks.2) App group: taking and submitting pictures of mozzies at any human–mosquito encounters, during the peak season of mosquitoes. They can be alive or dead.
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